Registering a Death
Before attending the Registrar, you will need to obtain a certificate from the Doctor who attended the deceased during their last illness. This doctor may be a normal GP or a Hospital Doctor. If the death was in a Hospital or Hospice, you may also be given a release form that is required by ourselves.
The death must normally be registered in the area where it occurred, not the area of residence. Some Registrars require an appointment, we can advise you on this. If the death occured at a distance it is possible to register by declaration but this can take some time.
Once the death has been registered the Registrar will issue you with:
A certificate for Burial or Cremation (known as the Green Form, which you will need to hand to us).
A certificate for Registration of Death - which is for use when the deceased was in receipt of benefits from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) or where adjustments are required to benefits claimed by the next of kin.
Death certificates, which you may need for probate or other purposes. A fee is payable for these.
Information Required
- Date and place of death
- The usual address
- Full name, sex and where appropriate the maiden name
- Date and place of birth
- The last full-time occupation and whether they were retired at the time of death (in the case of a married woman the name and occupation of her husband or late husband)
- Marital status (if the deceased was married the date of birth of the surviving spouse)
- If the deceased was in receipt of a pension or allowance
- NHS number